Junior Lifeguard Program

If you have any questions, please contact us on 0433 771 433 (after 5pm) or Email juniors@CaloundraCity.org.au. Please be aware the Junior Lifeguard team work full time and may take a few days to respond to your enquiry.

The Junior Lifeguard Program offers a unique aquatic alternative for those children who love the water, can swim and want a little to learn about life saving. It keeps children interested and active in aquatics – especially quick learners and those caught between levels and programs.

It is perfect for youth that thrive in an energetic learning environment and provides action packed fun for youth, 6 years of age and older. The program is run to teach young people Water Safety and Life Saving skills, in a fun environment.  

It is run on a not-for-profit basis. All instructors are volunteers and receive no payment for their teaching and instructional time. 

The Junior LifeGuard Program is a fun environment where games and competitions are used to teach the children:

  • Water Safety,
  • Use of Lifesaving Equipment (i.e. paddleboards, etc),
  • Basic Rescue Techniques,
  • Safe Swimming Habits,
  • Basic Resuscitation & First Aid, and
  • Team work & responsibility

The program is conducted by volunteer members of the club and all sessions (and children) are logged and tracked. Children progress through an introductory period of basic water safety; and will then progress through the Swim & Survive series of awards. This progression would be expected to take between 1 year and 4 years depending on the child’s age and abilities. After the Swim & Survive awards they will aim for the Bronze Star award, which is a basic rescue qualification and an introduction to the Bronze Medallion.

Who Can Join

No life saving experience is required to join the Junior Lifeguard Program. Junior Lifeguards must be:

  • 6 years of age; 
  • Able to swim at least 25 metres; 
  • Able to tread water for 2 minutes (non stop);
  • Confident in deep water; and
  • Able to follow instructions

The Club has Capped the Junior Lifeguard program to 40 members (children).


The program is broken into two strands, based primarily upon ability. Whilst the strands will have some overlapping activities, Cadet Lifeguards are challenged with a higher physical and skill level:

Junior Lifeguard StrandThis strand is aimed at Children new to Life Saving Skills, it completes the Swim and Survive Series of Awards (Level 1-5) and is aimed at Children of grade 2 to grade 7 (ages 6 to 11+)
Cadet Lifeguard StrandThis strand is aimed at Children who have some Life Saving Skills and are seeking a more challenging environment. It completes Swim & Survive Awards and Bronze Star Rescue Awards, and is aimed at grade 7 to 9 (age 12 to 14)
Rookie StrandRookie Members are grouped in to the Senior Membership catagory the Club (aged 13-15), please refer ‘How to Join’ for Senior Members.

How to Join

Please feel free to come down to a training session on Sunday mornings and speak to our Junior Lifeguard team, or contact us on telephone 0433 771 433 or Email juniors@caloundracity.org.au. Please be aware the Junior Lifeguard team work full time and may take a few days to respond to your enquiry.

Parents must attend a Junior Lifeguard Orientation Session each season.

Parents are Social Members of the Club

Every parent who is listed on the child’s membership form, is a Member of the Club in the Social Membership Catagory. This allows you to use the Clubhouse, and be involved in Club Activities. Parents can even help out with Beach Patrols and Waters Safety (etc).

Interested in getting involved ?

Being a coach, water safety, fundraising, or simply help set up/pack up can be very rewarding and fun. If you are interested in helping, please speak to the Junior Lifeguard Administrator as to how you can help and obtain qualifications (if required).


All Junior Lifeguards are provided a Beach Patrol style t-shirt and Club Competition/Training Cap when joining.

Membership fee (new member)$110Per Child. Each child is provided a Beach Patrol style t-shirt and Club Competition/Training Cap.
Membership Fee (renewal)$60For each child. (No cap or shirt is provided)
Training fee$5per child, per session.
Purchase extra cap$15Optional extra, or if a cap is lost or damaged.
Purchase additional shirt$25Optional extra, or if a shirt is lost or damaged.
(Above mentioned Fees are for 2021/22 season and are subject to change without notice)


The Junior LifeGuard Program is conducted during summer months (end of October to Easter) each week. Children are requested to be ready 15 minutes before the session starts. Change rooms and toilets are available.

Trainers / Instructors / Officers

The personnel of the Junior Lifeguard program are:

  • Junior Lifeguard Administrator: Lynda Barry
  • Junior Lifeguard Coordinator (Chief Coach): To be advised
  • Coaches: To be advised

The Junior Lifeguard Administrator has overall authority and control of the Junior Lifeguard Program.

All personnel are unpaid/volunteers and may not be contactable during normal business hours.

Important Information

  • Sun Protection : Please apply Sunscreen to your child half an hour before each session
  • Hair : Hair should be tied back so it won’t get caught in anything
  • Jewellery & Watches : Please remove all jewellery and watches, these could be damaged, get lost, or could get caught on something during training sessions
  • Training Caps : Must be worn at all training sessions, and tied under the chin
  • Sunshirts : If you desire you child to wear a non Club Sun Shirt, please have them wear it under their Club Shirt – note – Hi-Viz vest or sun shirt must be worn for all water activities.
  • Awards & Certificates : The Club presents all awards and certificates at the end of the season

Child Protection

The Club requires that all active senior members over 18 years (including Junior Lifeguard Coaches) hold a Blue Card in accordance with the Child Protection regulations. 

Feedback (positive and negative)

If you would like to provide feedback to us about the program or any concerns, problems or difficulties, please direct all feedback to the Junior Lifeguard Administrator. If you are not comfortable providing feedback to the Junior Lifeguard Administrator, feedback can be given to the Club Captain (refer contact us page for contact details).